Tips for using your frozen HMPC all butter pie dough.
Each dough piece rolls out to make one 14" or 16" round. A 14" round is ideal for a 9" pie. A 16" round is ideal for a 10" pie. 1 round can be crimped into a pie shell for a custard or cream pie.
2 rounds can be used for a double crust fruit pie.
Thaw the dough overnight in the refrigerator for best results.
Pull thawed dough from the refrigerator 30-45 minutes before rolling. You should be able to press the heel of your hand halfway through the dough with medium pressure.
It should still feel slightly cool to the touch.
Liberally dust your rolling surface and rolling pin with flour.
As you roll out your dough, rotate it 1 to 2 inches after each pass to make sure it isn't sticking to the table.
If it does start to stick, lift up one corner and scatter more flour underneath. Rub more flour on your rolling pin as needed to avoid sticking.
Your final round should be between 1/16" and 1/8th inch thick.
You can use a pot lid or a pizza pan as a guide to trim your round to a perfect circle which will make your crimping more even.
Spraying your pie tin or pie dish with pan spray and dusting with flour prior to placing in your dough round will make removing slices much easier.
For more detailed instructions, watch the following videos:
Rolling Pie Dough (5:23)
Crimping Pie Dough (3:39)
Keep your fork, there's pie.